Information Technology Research & IT Advisory Company Info-Tech Research Group

If you’re a Tech News entrepreneur— regardless of what stage—chances are that the French Tech Mission and its partners have developed a programme, policy or funding scheme for you. La French Tech is mobilizing for the integration of young talents into the tech ecosystem and is launching a job board dedicated to employment in startups, in partnership with Jobteaser . The French government settled attractivity as a priority by launching an ambitious dispositive. We are proud to share with you our new attarctivity plan dedicated to welcoming international tech talents.

  • Contrasts create learning experiences beyond the classroom, and our students have the opportunity to engage in high-impact learning practices such as study abroad.
  • The first Hope Scholars cohort will join Illinois Institute of Technology this fall thanks to the university’s partnership with Hope Chicago, a two-generation scholarship program that is committed to…
  • Gain real-world accounting experience with software such as
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