News, Previews And Evaluations Of The Arts In Atlanta

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The preparation of those site-specific environmental installations normally took years, even many years. Njideka Akunyili Crosby creates compelling large-scale figurative compositions, drawing from political, art historic and personal references. She depicts familiar on a regular basis scenes and social gatherings, in what appears as a quiet and pensive means. Her works are densely packed with reflections on postcolonial life and the urgency of the issues of global migration. Anselm Kiefer is a German sculptor and painter, who creates monumental works using unusual materials, similar to ash, shellac, lead, straw, and glitter. These items typically allude to collective memory and controversial facts from our history, such as the Nazi rule, literary works, mythology, in addition to historical figures the artist admires.

August 27, 2023 • The first official outdoor exhibition on Washington D.C.’s National Mall showcases six artists whose monuments honor American tales lacking from the guts of the nation’s capital. …

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