Toko Sepatu, Sports & Lifestyle #1
For young and for old, for better and for worse, sports are the world’s passion. Cricket and rugby seemed to require British rule in order to take root. Football needed only the presence of British economic and cultural influence. In Buenos Aires, for instance, British residents founded clubs for cricket and a dozen other sports, but it was the Buenos Aires Football Club, founded June 20, 1867, that kindled Argentine passions. In almost every instance, the first to adopt football were the cosmopolitan sons of local elites, many of whom had been sent to British schools by their Anglophile parents.
- Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to authors, or important in this field.
- SAN FRANCISCO — Andre Iguodala rode his Peloton bike a couple of times last week and took note that “I ain’t in that bad